Monday, November 12, 2012

Keep Austin Weird---What to Expect

In this blog, you will be able to see the different theories and sociological concepts that play a major role in our very own University. From athletes sporting Nike to sorority girls wearing XL t-shirts, the diversity of UT Austin student fashion is bigger now than ever. In our three different categories and interviews, we have analyzed how each individual theory and concept reflects different organizations around campus and the way students choose to dress. These theories such as, Erving Goffman Impression Management, Charles H. Cooley Looking Glass Self, and Social Deviance have been embedded in each interview.

We encourage you to let us know what you think about fashion as it relates to whichever social group you believe you fall under. We have enabled comments for you to help us get a better idea of how the student body here at the University of Texas dresses.

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